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Welcome to Furever Dachshund Rescue!
165 Deer Path Stonyford, RI 95979
Animal Success Stories
Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!
Louey aka Jethro

Louey came to us as a foster and we just couldn’t let him go. He arrived at the right time. We lost our 14 year old Bassett Hound about a week after Louey arrived. His foster daddy said one night shortly after he arrived “Louey you want to stay with us furever, don’t you?” The little guy gave him the signature kick that means love me more. It was then decided that he was going to be ours. His daddy made constant excuses why he needed to stay with us and not be adopted out. First, our other doxie furbaby would be lonely without another dog in the house when we were out. Then he barks a lot and other people might not like a dog that barks a lot so we needed to keep him. Plus he is good at keeping the geese that swim up to our yard off the horseshoe pits. Next he has horrible scars where he was attacked at some time. No one would want him because he has those scars. The truth was that his daddy was very attached to him right off the start. So now this adorable little furboy is ours! He is sooo happy. He wakes up with us and his brother ready to take on a new day each morning. He goes on walks routinely, goes to work with Momma, helps Daddy in the yard, does security detail at the front door and does not allow any birds or squirrels to get into the fenced yard. He now has a forever home and family that loves him. He’ll never be hurt again.

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